Absolute Mediation Cardiff News and Blogs

Absolute Mediation Cardiff Blog Posts - You don't want to miss out on anything!
Jane Williams

Online Vs Traditional Mediation

Following the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, most organisations had to adapt to remote ways of working, and mediation was no exception. In what was always a traditional face-to -face medium, in person attendance was impossible through social distancing.

The on-line process has been widely adopted since but it is perhaps worthwhile considering what would work best for you. Most agree both remote and in-person can achieve equally good outcomes allowing ...

Jane Williams

The New Divorce Process

New Divorce Law

New Divorce Law Came into force on the 6th April 2022. No Fault Divorce makes it Simpler and Less Traumatic for Couples to Separate. No Fault Divorce means no blame is apportioned. Parties simply provide a statement saying the marriage has broken down without having to evidence "unreasonable behaviour".

Jane Williams

Is marriage going out of fashion?

Figures released on the 5th November 2015, show that cohabiting couples continue to the fastest growing family type in the UK in 2015.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), have provided a Report showing that cohabiting couples in the UK have now reached 3.2 million. This in fact, represents an increase of nearly 30% between 2005 and 2015.

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2823 Hits
Jane Williams

Impact of dishonesty and/or non-disclosure in divorce cases – important ruling by the supreme court

The Supreme Court has unanimously allowed the appeals of two ex-wives in the landmark cases of Sharland v Sharland and Gohil v Gohil.

In these two cases, the Supreme Court has made it clear that there will be zero tolerance for non-disclosure or indeed, dishonesty in financial proceedings arising from the breakdown of the marriage. In both of these cases, the former wives were seeking to have their divorce settlement ...

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2801 Hits
Jane Williams

Score at mediation – rejecting the culture of winners and losers

Sporting events such as the recent Rugby World Cup captivated millions. Whether they watch on TV screens or for those lucky enough to have tickets in stadiums, the prospect of glory can be truly hypnotising.

Major sporting tournaments have existed for generations, but now fuelled by 24 hour news and media, today’s hype surrounding speculation of “who will win” is unprecedented. It can be strengthened by omnipresent betting websites adverts,

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2440 Hits