
The New Divorce Law

Divorce Law changed on the 6th April 2022. "No fault" or no blame Divorce makes the procedure of obtaining a divorce easier.

The Procedural side of divorce is now designed for parties to complete themselves, ideally together, in a simpler on-line process

." No Fault Divorce" means no blame is apportioned. Parties provide a Statement saying the marriage has broken down without having to file evidence of unreasonable behaviour, adultery, desertion, or separation, where the new criteria are met.

The new law will not change solutions required to resolve Financial Settlement or Issues relating Children fact, it may make finding resolution of those issues far more pressing...

It has been compulsory for many years, for divorcing couples to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting ( MIAM), prior to any party being approved to issue formal court proceedings in relation to children or finances on divorce.

One party having, by definition at that stage, formally adopted what lawyers would term, a" litigation" position, wanting a judge to decide the outcome.

 It is believed however, the adversarial court process is not always best suited for resolution of family disputes. Such disputes often being better resolved through discussion and agreement, where that can be managed safely and appropriately.

 Separating or divorcing couples couple will generally be most open and receptive to obtaining information about Mediation, or other major forms of family law Alternative Dispute Resolution methods( ADR), whilst still at an evaluative stage. 

This is generally before any existing spirit of mutual co-operation, ability to listen or communicate as a couple, has fragmented.

We offer you the opportunity to voluntarily elect to obtain information about Mediation, rather than potentially be legally obliged to do so, now.

We also provide basic information on other major types of ADR methods at our Information Meetings, in accordance with new best practice directions, for Mediators.

Family Mediation is at all times, a completely voluntary and consensual Process.

Use our Contact Us form or telephone on 07837007007 for more information about arranging our Initial Information Meeting or our services generally.