Absolute Mediation Cardiff

As Law Society expert accredited divorce and family law solicitors as well as experienced Mediators, we are able to provide expert guidance. Absolute Mediation Cardiff was developed to provide a new and versatile approach to progressing family and civil disputes by engaging in Family or Civil Mediation.

Mediation Is an impartial process which helps divorced, or separated people make decisions about their children, family or property. An experienced Mediator plays a neutral role in helping couples to negotiate their own agreements.

Introductions to Family Mediation

We offer Formal Introductions to Mediation. Attend our Introductory Sessions for separating couples, held in Insole Court, Fairwater Road Llandaff, Cardiff.CF5 2LN

  • The Sessions provide both information and a personalised introduction to Family Mediation.
  • Resolve Financial or Children issues at a fraction of the cost of legal proceedings and retain control of the process, without the delay or anguish of attending Court.
  • Introductory Sessions cost £100.00 per couple and last for 60 minutes.

Email jane.williams991@gmail.com for more info or dates. Dates and times from January to June still available.
Call us on 07837007007 to book or message at https://www.absolutemediationcardiff.co.uk


System Use Only

Family Mediation costs a fraction of the cost of disputed legal proceedings and ensures a civilised as well as cost effective outcome.

A “humorous” illustration of family mediation/collaborative law on the Big Screen

Ww offer initial information meetings, at an evaluative stage, so you decide if mediation can work for you. We will not continue the process if we do not believe there is benefit or one party chooses not to progress.

The Family Court insist parties attend a Mediation information meeting, prior to formal issue of proceedings. Why not obtain the information now!


divorce conceptWe understand how distressing relationship problems or breakdown of relationships, often are. We cannot promise you easy or instant practical solutions with Mediation. We can though help you unravel problems and provide the specialist mediation support you need, to help reach an action plan for reaching realistic joint agreement.

